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Playing With (Strange) Fire

Provides a clear answer to the question "What makes strange fire..... strange?"

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Under The Shadow of YHWH's Wings

Outstanding study on the commandment of tzit tzit, or tassles, as found in Numbers 15. Written by Brother Steve Kraner, who speaks at our annual sabbath convocations here in Ontario. If you've ever had questions about the tassles you see worn by Jewish and Messianic Israelite worshippers, you can go to this study and get the answers!

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Letter to Brother Fermin Pamintuan Regarding the Nature and Role of the Torah

Discussion of the nature and role of the Torah and how we need to relate to it if we really want the light of Heaven to shine on our pathway. Addressed to Brother Fermin Pamintuan, a long-time friend and champion of orthodox Adventist theology and Scripture interpretation.

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Source of excellent studies on Santa Claus, tattooing, and other spiritual subjects.

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Brian Hoeck + Kenneth Hoeck. Really strong site for resources and perspective on a host of Hebrew Roots/Torah subjects, including calendar issues, festival timing, and Christmas.

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Bro. Flo Bors. Watch this revealing presentation and learn about the pagan roots of a day that has mysteriously become one of the most prominent worship days of "Christianity" ....ostensibly the day to celebrate our Messiah's birth, but in reality an only slightly modified version of the winter solstice celebration of ancient sun worshippers.

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"Asherah - The Christmas Tree Custom" and "Baal & Asherah - The Sun King & His Consort" Lew White. Detailed studies on the origins of many Christmas traditions, and the real meaning of Christmas decorations such as the evergreen wreath and the Christmas tree with its glass balls, tinsel, and strands of lights. If you haven't bothered to study up on this subject before, I can promise that you'll never be the same after you read these articles! Also contains a bonus study showing how a certain worship practice of some Shiite Moslems today is identical to a worship practice that was carried on by the priests of Baal and Asherah in apostate 10-tribe northern Israel in the days of Ahab, Jezebel, and Eliyahu/Elijah.

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