Open Letter to Linda Shelton

Hi Sister Linda


Like many others, I am following with interest the situation that is developing with yourself, Danny, and 3ABN. At the moment I cannot say that I am aware of Scriptural support for Danny's actions, and I await with "bated breath" (as per your March editorial on your website) for his response to your challenge to produce evidence validating his charge of adultery against yourself. In light of your unequivocal and unqualified permission to release the evidence....if it is not forthcoming shortly, it will be bona fide proof that the evidence does not exist, and that there has been fabrication (commonly knowing as lying) in the allegations of wrongdoing which have been levelled against yourself. We will see.


In spite of the apparent absence of Scriptural grounds for Danny's actions, however, I am writing to suggest that those actions may have been a blessing in disguise....for you! Subsequent to your departure from 3ABN, Danny (with the assistance of Shelley Quinn) has been aggresively promoting the false and spiritually fatal teaching that the Torah or "Law of Moses" was nailed to the cross and done away with, because it was "contrary to us and against us". Were you still united to Danny and under his headship, you would have a difficult time avoiding complicity or alliance with this deadly error....but since events have unfolded as they have, you are no longer under that headship and thus are free to believe and move as the Holy Spirit leads the way.


Several brethren along with my wife and I were on the street @ the 3ABN Ten Commandments Conference in Chicago last weekend to confront and correct this false teaching of Danny and Shelley. We handed out copies of the literature which I am sending along to you under separate cover, and, by the grace of the Almighty, we were able to impact a large percentage of those who attended. Only eternity will reveal the ultimate results of our effort to sow the seed of truth.


In the meantime, I would like to invite you to study the items I am sending. If you become convicted that this is indeed present truth and would like more in-depth study material, or if you have any questions, please communicate with me. We would be happy to see you amongst those of us who are working to restore every divine institution.


Sincerely, your brother in the Messiah,

Ron Buhler

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